TEL: 503-227-7220

How do I get from the airport to the hotel?
Because we have ladies arriving from different cities at different times, it works best to begin our programs at the first hotel. We are prepared to advise you on the safest and most economical ways to reach the hotel. And we can make the reservations in most cases.
Where do I get my airline ticket?
We will be happy to take care of all your travel needs. You may ask our air department to arrange your flights. We do not include airfare in our rates as we have ladies joining us from so many different cities. Rest assured our people will seek out the best flights for you at the best price.
I am traveling alone. What are my options for a room?
You have two options. You may pay extra for a single room by yourself. You will still be a part of everything and we will respect your need for privacy or time alone. We do not guarantee that single rooms will available on every itinerary. Or you may request us to match you with a room-mate. We have had great success in matching women. We will ask you some questions about your habits and make a match. A good room-mate can be a big part of the fun-factor of your trip. Our hostesses are sensitive to making sure these matches work out. Some of our previous matches have become fast friends. We want to keep the night owls together. And you high maintenance gals don’t make good matches when you have to share a mirror.
How old can a You Go Girl be?
Being a GO GIRL is a state of mind. There is no limit to how high or how far you can soar. So far our oldest is 81 and she can walk circles around any of the younger women. She doesn’t slow anyone down.
How young can a Go Girl! be?
Our trips are designed for adult women and feature things that adult women like to do. Please use your discretion to know if your child or teenager would fit comfortably with mature adults and probably no other children. We want it to be a positive experience for everybody.
Can I extend my trip longer or return from a different city?
Sure you can. Just make appropriate flight arrangements and we can help with the rest if you need.
Do I need any shots?
We are not medical professionals and are not able to give you immunization recommendations. You need to ask your medical care provider. We have found that visiting a special Travel Clinic offers the best service. They are well versed in healthy travel practices.
How do I get a passport?
Go to and allow plenty of time.
How do I know how much to tip?
Your hostess can provide guidelines. It is dependant on location.
Is tipping included?
No, it is a personal decision what and when to tip.
Will my ATM card work abroad?
Yes, with a 4 digit code. Be sure to alert your bank you are traveling. And they also charge a fee. Generally it is best to avoid multiple small withdrawls.
How do I get money abroad?
You may use an ATM with your 4 digit password for cash. You may use Traveler's Checks although they are becoming more difficult to use due to massive counterfeiting. Using your credit card is the easiest and most safe . Be sure to check with your issuing bank as to the fees they are levying for credit and debit card use abroad. Be sure to let the issuing bank know you are traveling. Avoid large US bills. They are suspect.
How much money should I take?
You should take enough cash in the currency of the country to get you through a couple of days without a bank. Banking holidays and local customs in other countries may not allow you to get to a bank for several days upon arrival. You wlll need cash for shopping, snacks or taxis right away. As for daily cash, it will depend on your methods of paying and your general style of spending. On a cruise you will not need the cash you would need on another type of trip. Look at your itinerary and see how many meals are included and what kind of trip it is. How do I get foreign currency? You may be able to get it at your local bank but you need to call them to ask. Most times they have to order it. You can get it delivered right to your door from TravelEx at or at a TravelEx location. Request smaller denomination bills.
How much luggage am I allowed?
Airline regulations for luggage allowance seem to change daily. To get the most timely and correct answer, call your airline or check its web site. Most of us tend to over-pack. We encourage you to carefully consider how much you take. It is no fun to be a slave to your luggage. Set yourself free and lighten up.
Can I wear jeans?
That all depends too. Sure you can at the Dude Ranch but not in Paris. It will be addressed on the customize packing list for each trip.
Do I need dress up clothes?
It all depends. We are firm believers in packing lightly but we also want you to feel comfortable wearing what is appropriate for the activities of any trip. There is a suggested packing list customized for each departure. You certainly need differing wardrobes for the Dudette Ranch trip than for Paris 101. You can always just ask us via email or phone too. That is part of what makes You Go Girl! special.
What will the weather be?
We urge you to look at to see average temperatures for any area. Our reservation people can also provide that information.